The Sandwich 10K


The Sandwich 10K

On Sunday 25th June a total of 24 Coastal Striders plus supporters descended upon the historic town of Sandwich to partake in the Sandwich 10K race. It was a cloudy morning, a welcome respite from the heatwave of the last few days. The course that faced our runners was relatively flat thus making it a good day for personal bests. And PB's there were aplenty! Many of the Coasties smashed their 10K time well done to all of you.

Congratulations to our first man Lee Field who stormed home with an impressive time of 40 mins 33 seconds ,First Lady was Kerry Boyd with a very respectable time of 54 mins 32 seconds. Second Male and Female Coasties past the line were Deano “ Van Beano” Evans and Lucy Lungley with times of 40 mins 52 seconds and 59 mins 37 seconds respectively. Third girl to the finish was Ellen Thatcher in her first race since the Brighton Marathon coming in at 1hr 1 min and 37 seconds. Third place for our boys was extremely close between Simon Ballard and Sorin Sazbo, although Simon passed the finish line first, Sorin's chip time of 43 min 16 beat Simon’s by a mere 5 seconds!

As the rest of our Coastal Striders finished the race, we kept up our tradition of running back and supporting the rest of our team. At the end of the race it was nice to see the sun shining and it was also lovely to see a few of our Herne Bay Strider friends. It was a great day for all, fantastic atmosphere, the first of many events to come for Coastal Striders.

Many thanks to Sporting Events UK and all marshals involved for a great day.


Lee Field

First Male Coastal Strider


Kerry Boyd

First Female Coastal Strider


Deano Evans

Second Male Coastal Strider


Lucy Lungley

Second Female Coastal Strider